Panda porn on Valentine’s Day

Every night during dinner, we watch the previous day’s Jon Stewart episode. Imagine my delight today when I saw that the Valentine’s Day episode featured Ricky Gervais. Jon Stewart and one of my favorite Brits? Wooo. And EVEN BETTER? They spent the whole time discussing pandas and more importantly, panda porn, something I surely support and would watch with interest.

If you need something funny to watch, please enjoy. I laughed so hard that I think I found myself smacking my knee at one point shrieking like a mental patient.


And can today we be thankful that there will be no more ugly pink and red hearts, glitter, and ugly, overpriced flowers arrangements until next year again? I will be thankful that I got none of the above yesterday. What I did get was a Yahtzee tournament, spinach pizza and naked bubble bath time with the Mr. while drinking Ukrainian champagne.

Classy holiday, I know.